Monday, October 27, 2014

Empathy vs Sympathy video

What are your thoughts about empathy vs. sympathy? Can you think of a time you were sympathizing rather than empathizing with someone?

Thank you for sharing the video Mrs. K!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Anxiety can be thought of as persistent, excessive, and unrealistic worry about everyday things.

40 million adults struggle with anxiety.

Symptoms of anxiety may include: constant, chronic worry. This worrying goes on every day, possibly all day. It can interfere with all aspects of daily life. Anxiety impacts ones ability to socialize with others.

Seeking support may make you feel anxious, but talking about how you feel is the first step in alleviating anxiety.

If you experience any symptoms of anxiety, there are many resources out there. Begin with talking to someone, like a parent, doctor, counselor, spiritual leader, friend, or spouse.

There is always HOPE!

What is Empathy? From the middle schooler perspective.

What is Empathy?

Welcome to Rehberger Reveals!

This is my first post ever!

For Genius Hour this year, I will be writing about raising awareness about empathy, anxiety, and depression.

At the end of each blog post, I may ask a question. I hope this will encourage others to post a comment and continue the discussion.